
Why why why!!! Recently a friend of mine met someone she really liked.  They flirted (as one does) and exchanged text messages, etc…etc…etc.  When I last saw her, I could tell that she liked him.  I was teasing her about meeting someone who had caught her interest.  She has discerning taste in men and I was very pleased that she had met her match.  Roll on a few weeks later, she is no longer in contact with him.  Why I ask, no reason she says.  He suddenly stopped all contact.

Now this has happened to me before and it has left me with a number of questions about men in general. Boy meets girl, boy flirts with girl, boy goes on a date with girl, boy flirts a little bit more with girl, boy asks girl on another date….then silence? WHY???? Why is it so difficult for the male species to be honest.  I know I have said this in a previous blog but I am at a loss as to why men don’t feel they can tell the truth.  I know this is true of my female friends who have been in this situation before – we all want to know why.  I promise that we will not  self destruct or hate you (perhaps hate sounds a tad crazy)  anymore than we do already.

My point is the truth may hurt but we still want to hear it….all of it. I really won’t break (not in front of him anyway) being told the truth.  I get that communication is a huge issue for men  (ok I know I am generalising but you are getting my point I am sure).  I find it intriguing that men (and women sometimes) feel this method of saying ‘It’s over’ is the best way of communicating that this is the end of the road.  Personally, I am impressed by a man with backbone, a man who can be honest and speak his mind.

Ah well, I guess there will always be Mars and Venus mindsets.

Onwards and forwards

NP 🙂

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