Koa, Non, Jikai, Ôda, Chox, Hapana……..

Yes…apparently, all the words above mean no.  We have all been in a situation where we’ve met a guy or a girl, perhaps he/she had some redeeming qualities which seemed attractive at the time. Or we were just plain drunk and in the cold light of day, realised that we couldn’t possibly date or have a relationship with said person.

So here comes the awkward part – Rejection and by gosh it is a mother!!!  The word ‘no’ in my part of the world means no.  I am sure it means the same thing in other countries but lets focus on England for now 🙂  The meaning of the word ‘no’ seems to go beyond the comprehension of some of the men I have dated in the past.  Women being of the ‘fairer sex’ perhaps are viewed as finkle.  As a male friend of mine once said, ‘You women change your mind so much, I don’t know whether I am coming or going’.

However, once you have had that perhaps awkward ‘penny drop’ moment and decided that taking things any further could be detrimental to ‘his‘ health and probably yours too, it is time to cut your losses and move on. So forgive me when I fail to comprehend why is it sooo very very difficult for some men to understand that no means no and not  ‘I will change my mind in 24 hrs, days, months, years or nanoseconds’….No actually does mean no.  Any man (or woman) with an inkling of self worth and (of course sane) would accept that once its over, it really is absolutely over.

In the wonderful world of dating, rejection is a mother and sometimes its not so gentle on the ego.  However, we are all adults and when faced with the ‘N’ word, its time to put those grown up panties/pants on and accept that no does mean no. I’ve certainly lost count of the amount of times I have had to say no when trying to extricate myself from a date/relationship/triste gone bad. I guess when you are dealing with a man’s ego, its must be hard to accept that you have been emasculated a little (perhaps).  I am sure likewise (not on a man hating trip), that men are equally faced with the same dilemma.  My point though is that harassing the individual almost to the point of insanity is not the way to ingratiate your way back into their lives.  If anything it has the opposite effect!!!

I’ve been inspired to write this particular blog by a dear friend of mine who has had a tricky time extricating herself from someone who just wouldn’t take no for an answer.  It got me thinking about the time I was faced with a similar situation where this crazy guy who followed and found me on MSN, Facebook, Twitter and any other way that he was able to.  The phone calls and text messages were relentless and didn’t stop until I issued an ultimatum. However, we did get there in the end.

Perhaps its just me but really, no does mean no (in any language) 😉

Over and out!!!

NP 🙂

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